Get Robust and Stylist Café Umbrellas in Melbourne

Instant Shade Umbrellas are proud to be Distributors of the Skyspan range of Architectural Umbrellas. Skyspan umbrellas are at the cutting edge of design and manufacture of commercial umbrellas . Skyspan have spent years of research perfecting the Skyspan umbrella to arrive at a unique and innovative product which we truly believe is the best in the world. Skyspan umbrellas can be custom made to suit client’s needs, with personal add-ons such as heaters, plastic drop down curtaining, screen printing and air conditioning, to name a few. An all Australian-made and owned product, the umbrella is designed to be long lasting and able to withstand wind gusts of up to 118km/h or 148km/h (depending on model), and ingeniously designed for ease of both installation and client use. The umbrella has a solid powder coated structural aluminum frame with a quality gearing mechanism which makes opening and closing the umbrella with a supplied removable handle, a simple task. Low maintenance, heat refl...