Outdoor Umbrellas – The Ultimate Buyers Guide for Your Garden or Patio

Bring the party outdoors for everyone to enjoy with an outdoor umbrella providing shade and style to your outdoor area. Instant Shade Umbrellas are industry leaders when it comes to quality outdoor umbrellas. From the classic octagonal market umbrella to giant cantilever umbrellas and wall-mounted umbrellas, here is our guide to help you select the right outdoor umbrella for your family. Types of Outdoor Umbrellas available for your home: Patio Umbrellas (also known as Market Umbrellas or Centre-Pole Umbrellas) Cantilever Umbrellas (also known as side-post umbrellas) Wall Mount Umbrellas Cantilever vs Market Umbrellas vs Wall Mount Umbrellas For many years market umbrellas with a pole in the center of the shade and a rope-and-pulley opening mechanism were the most popular option for Australian backyards. These days cantilever umbrellas are much more popular, allowing for better shade coverage over furniture and swimming pools due to the main post being off to t...